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“Each and every animal of earth has as much right to be here as you and me”
―Anthony Douglas Williams

DEVELOPING A MISSION STATEMENT IS THE EASY up to it is where the work is done and the commitment realized. The investment in Vivi truly honors the mission and mantra Doodle Dandy Rescue embodies... Rescue, Rehab, Rehome.
This darling girl became Doodle Dandy’s responsibility in August 2021 and honestly, we all asked, ‘where do we start? ”Vivi was a 12lb poodle mix rescued from the shelter and was one year old at the
time. She had been terribly neglected and was clearly suffering from an undiagnosed, chronic skin condition which was contributing to her overall poor health. Her personality came through immediately, despite her condition and fragile health. It was obvious that all
she wanted in the world was to be happy and healthy. The fosters of Doodle Dandy welcomed Vivi with open arms. They rolled up their sleeves and got down to work! Vivi was easy to love and adore from the get-go. However, with open sores and distressed skin,
missing fur, and digestive concerns, it was obvious she needed a special family to foster her. Enter Melodie and Judd. This remarkable couple soon took over Vivi’s care. Together they bathed Vivi daily and lathered her in lotions and potions to help her heal and begin to
thrive, maybe for the first time in her young life.
In the words of our Director, Sally Hammond, Mélodie and Judd “...have loved her, bathed her, fed her, doctored her and taught her how to live with humans”. By building trust with Vivi from the very beginning, the two were able to connect on a very basic level with a dog that simply struggled to thrive at anything – she was so unwell and frightened of the world around her. There were many many months of trial and error, trips to the amazing vets who worked diligently at getting to the bottom of Vivi’s issues to find a diagnosis. Discovering the origin of the skin condition was so critical to treating it successfully. While the vets worked, and tested, and researched, Mélodie and Judd loved, and cared, and nurtured Vivi in every way possible. During this time everyone tolerated the cone of shame to protect Vivi from itching, scratching, and tearing her skin further. It was one step forward and two steps back as everyone waded through diet allergies, environmental allergies, even the possibility of neurological issues. Finally, to great relief, an obstinate staph infection was detected by a veterinary dermatologist, and the healing began. Again, Mélodie and Jud kicked into nurse mode and
diligently cared for Vivi as she began her journey to health and happiness. Team Vivi came through for sure! Mélodie and Judd, following the guidance and treatment plan with expert precision, were falling in love with Vivi more and more.
Today, over 12 months later, Vivi is vivacious, always on the go, ready to play with anyone and at any time. She is the epitome, of “I am woman hear me roar”! She made it through this dreadful ordeal with Doodle Dandy fosters and Doodle Dandy vets by her side all the way. And guess what?....She celebrates her adoption this week....with Melodie and Judd!
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