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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply to adopt more than one dog and how long does the selection process take?

Once a dog is posted for adoption, it can take 1-3 weeks to complete the application review, selection and adoption process. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Also, please understand you may not get the first dog you apply for, but we strongly encourage you to continue to apply for dogs. You must submit a new application for each dog you are interested in adopting, as we do not keep applications on file.

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Why do you only adopt within a certain radius of DFW?

We understand that life happens. Therefore, there are instances where an adoption may fail. We implement the adoption radius so that our team can be readily available should we need to welcome a dog back into our foster family and revisit the adoption applications. In addition, we support the transition for all of our dogs into their new home. Having the adopting family within our specified radius allows for us to use our network of volunteers and partners to make the transition as smooth as possible for the dog and the adopting family.

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Can I foster to adopt?

Absolutely! The primary goal of a foster is to prepare the dog for its forever home. If during your time fostering, you fall in love with your foster dog, our team will determine if your home is the best environment in which the dog will thrive. All adoption guidelines and fees will apply. 

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How do you determine your adoption fees?

Adoption fees are determined based on a variety of factors such as, but not limited to age, doodle mix, size, and temperament. Adoption fees help cover all costs associated with our rescue and is not tied to the expenses incurred for any specific dog. All payments are made through our webpage via credit card, PayPal or Venmo. 

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Have all of your dogs been neutered/spayed?

If a dog has not been altered before intake, we will have the procedure completed once the dog is healthy enough while in our care. In some cases, the dog may not be old enough for the procedure. If you are selected to adopt a puppy who is not yet of age for the procedure, it will be a requirement outlined in the adoption contract for you to have the puppy neutered/spayed at the appropriate age. We will pay for the costs of the procedure as long as it is done at a network vet. 

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Why can I not find an application for a certain dog that was posted up for adoption?

It is likely that the dog has received a high volume of applications and our team has closed the application submission process so that all applications can be reviewed to identify potential matches. 

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I’ve been following X dog and now I don’t see him/her anymore. What happened?

It may be due to a “foster fail”. If the foster family has fallen in love with the foster dog and our team has determined the foster home is a great environment for the dog to live its best life, then the dog will not be posted for adoption. It may also be that the dog was posted for adoption and a family was selected from the applications to be its forever home.  You can view our "Happily Ever Adopted" gallery to see where dog X has gone.

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What breed mix is this dog?

As a rescue, we won’t always have a history of the dog at intake which can make it difficult to be 100% certain of its breed mix. We can provide an informed guess based on the input of our experienced vets and volunteers/fosters. 

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I can’t find an application for a specific dog that I have been following. Where is it?

It is likely that the dog is not yet available for adoption. You can stay up to date on available adoptions via our website and social media (Facebook and Instagram). There is also a chance of a “foster fail” in which the foster family has chosen to adopt the dog and our team has determined the foster home is a great environment for the dog to live its best life. 

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Will I be notified if I am not selected for a dog that I applied for?

Everyone who applies for a dog will be notified if they were not selected. Please understand that this process could take up to 3 weeks. Also, if you have applied for a dog, be sure to check you spam folder for any communication regarding the application. 

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Can you recommend doodle rescues in my area?

It may be possible that our team is familiar with rescues in your area; however, we highly recommend you search for rescues near you and follow them on any social media platforms they offer in order to stay informed on their available dogs. Thank you for wanting to adopt and not shop! 

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How do you make the adoption decisions?

The decision is primarily based on what is best for the individual dog and its needs. We want to ensure our dogs are placed with families where the dog will thrive and live its best life. Each application is reviewed against the criteria associated with each dog and meet & greets are scheduled with those who best meet the criteria. We often receive numerous applications for a dog, so please do not get discouraged if you are not chosen and continue to apply for other dogs. 

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Can I get on a waiting list or get pre-approved for adoption a process?

We do not have a waiting list nor do any pre-approval for adoptions. We are a 100% volunteer rescue and simply do not have the manpower for this process. Each dog also has their own specific needs and there would be no way to pre-approve based on those factors. We do encourage you to apply for any dogs as they become available for adoption and you will need to submit a new application for each dog that you would like to apply for. 

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Can I meet one of your dogs?

Our dogs are in private foster homes. If your adoption application is selected, a meet and greet will be arranged. 

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What if a dog I adopt does not end up being a good fit for our home?

Once a dog has been in our care, we remain committed to ensuring that they live out their best lives. Should you adopt a dog through us and find that it is not a good fit, we are happy to welcome him/her back and continue to look for a new forever home. 

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Do you transport dogs?

We do not transport dogs. As part of the adoption process, we require for the adopting family to participate in a “meet & greet” with the dog to help determine if the dog is the best match. Since we only adopt within a 5 hour radius of the DFW area in Texas, we expect the adopting family to travel to meet the dog and pick up the dog for its forever home. 

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More than one
Where is DogX
Application for dog Iwas following
rescue recommendation
Adoption Descision
Waiting Lis
Meet a dog
Not a good fit
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