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Teddy Bear - Charlie

Sometimes we take a chance not knowing what the future holds.  

We are always very cautious to take a dog with a bite history, but we believed that TeddyBear could be rehabilitated, so we took a chance.  TeddyBear had been a breeding stud, and at 4 yrs was adopted out to an elderly couple who just wanted a loveable dog as a companion.  Unfortunately, TeddyBear took over the house, and became the “leader”.  That’s never a good scenario, and when he didn’t get his way, he would throw a tantrum and bite.  When dogs are allowed to make decisions in the home, they almost always make bad ones!  


We tried to put TeddyBear with a foster, but right away it became apparent that he needed more than a typical foster could give.  We placed him in a board and train with one of our trainers, and with her help and guidance, TeddyBear was put on a schedule, taught boundaries and most importantly, his place in the pecking order of the home.  


We found a good adopter for TeddyBear, and we thought he would be there forever.  When you adopt a rescue dog, ongoing training is a critical component of a successful assimilation. Unfortunately, TeddyBear’s family relaxed and didn’t follow through, and he bit one of them.  So back he comes!  


This time we placed him in another board and train where they did very intense training on skills, building his confidence more and teaching him to be an obedient dog.  By learning commands and understanding that people are in charge, a dog will feel safe, knowing that his people will protect him.  


As TeddyBear learned the ropes, he was posted for adoption again, and we found Scott and his daughter.  Talk about a perfect home for TeddyBear!  Scott and his daughter worked with the trainer and TeddyBear for several weeks, learning the things TeddyBear knew.  They were taught how to recreate the perfect environment in their home and how to continue training “Charlie” to be the best dog he could be.  Training isn’t something someone else does to a dog.  Training is a lifetime structure that creates safety.  


When a dog, especially a rescue dog, feels SAFE, he will be a wonderful companion, but sometimes it takes quite a while for that safety to be fully integrated for the dog.  Doodle Dandy doesn’t give up!  If we can affect a change, no matter how long it takes, we will do that.  We continue to check in with Scott to make sure Charlie is doing well.  It’s quite appropriate that TeddyBear shed that old name, and become a new dog named Charlie.  He’s never going back to that old life! 



 Watch Charlie Jump for Joy!!



 “Each and every animal of earth has as much right to be here as you and me”

―Anthony Douglas Williams

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