SOMETIMES WE GET CALLS IN DESPERATION about a dog needing immediate help.
Such was the call we received about Roamer. He was found "roaming" the streets of College Station when he was captured by a Good Samaritan. He was matted to the skin, covered in fleas and ticks, emaciated, but he had the sweetest, most gentle temperament for a dog who had been on his own.
He was aged at only a year old, so he had a pretty difficult start in life. We brought him to Dallas and began the process of cleaning him up and getting him vetted. It took the groomer over 12 hours to take off the layers of dirt and mats that engulfed him. His fabulous foster family showered him with love and attention, and he enjoyed every minute of being cared for.
Roamers sweetheart and easy-going personality made him a great family dog, and we were so excited to place him in a happy, healthy home. Due to issues beyond his control, Roamer’s family had to return him to the rescue.
He went back to his foster family until we could repost him for adoption. Guess what! It seems that he was really missed when he left, and his fosters decided he wasn’t getting away from them a second time! Roamer had already found his forever home! Roaming no more!