"What I enjoy most about fostering is knowing that I am positively contributing to better a dog’s life and that the dog will go to a wonderful and loving family. It makes my heart so happy," says Melinda.
"Melinda is about as great as they get. She travels often for her job, but has never used that as a reason not to foster. She makes it work in order to keep giving our dogs the rescue and rehabilitation they deserve, often going above and beyond to not only spoil our dogs but actually train them above the basic standards we request. Families who adopt one of Melinda's fosters get a well rounded, fully acclimated, home-ready dog. She truly loves her fosters and has a rescuer's heart. As if fostering wasn't enough, she volunteers for transports as well as other volunteer opportunities within our region. She also takes the cutest photos of our doods with her trademark blue porch backdrop," says Katherine, Houston Region's Support Lead.

In the 1.5 yrs, Melinda has fostered/temp fostered 7 dogs, including her Foster Fail, Leo, who she claims is her greatest reward from fostering. The foster "with the blue porch" has poured her heart into saving dogs because she believes they deserve a second chance to live a healthy & happy life. Here, Here!!
We salute you, Melinda! Thank you for ALL the incredible work you do!